Problem: You are given a string say 'dgfgkanb'. Give a SQL or PL/SQL logic to sort it.
PL/SQL Solution:
create a function as follows:
create or replace function sort_string(original_string varchar2)
return varchar2 is
sorted_string varchar2(20):='';
cursor individual_string is
select ind from
select substr(original_string,rownum,1) ind from all_objects
rownum<=length(original_string) order by substr(original_string,rownum,1) );
for rec2 in individual_string loop
sorted_string := sorted_string (concat) rec2.ind;
end loop;
return sorted_string;
select sort_string('dgfgkanb') from dual
result : abdfggkn
I am not able to write a single SQL query to do this. Any help will be greatly appreciated....
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1 week ago
1 comment:
Another Option for this
select * from
(select replace(sys_connect_by_path(t,' '),' ','') result from
(select t,rownum rn from
(select substr('&SortMe',rownum,1) t from all_objects
where rownum<=length('&SortMe')
order by 1))
connect by prior rn=rn-1
order by length(result) desc)
where rownum=1
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