Scenario: There are 2 oracle tables TEST1 and TEST2 containing 2 columns each : EMP_ID and EMAIL_ID. How will you update column EMAIL_ID of table TEST1 with the values of EMAIL_ID of table TEST2. The join condition to be used will be on EMP_ID.
update test1 set test1.email_id = (select test2.email_id from test2 where test1.emp_id=test2.emp_id)
exists (select 1 from test2 where test1.emp_id=test2.emp_id)
negative regexp
if you want to grep anything except foo, use grep -v or negative lookahead
echo -e 'foo\nbar\nboz'|grep -P '^(?!.*foo).*$' bar boz it is just so
beautiful ...
3 months ago